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Favourite Marches & Hymn Settings - Parts

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Product Overview

Favourite Marches & Hymn Settings 
(Volume 2)

INDEX OF MARCHES: Amsterdam Congress; A.R.C. Centennial March; Balga Citadel; Brazil '75; Cairo Red Shield; California; Camp Fellowship; Cobham Hall; Croydon Citadel; Danforth Citadel; Etobicoke Youth; Hadleigh Camp; Hollinwood; In The King's Service; Minneapolis IV; New Commission; Norwich Citadel; Powerpoint; Rosehill; Rousseau; South Coast; Spirit of Endeavour; The Fount; The Young Salvationist; Victors Acclaimed; Victory Parade; Washington Salute 125; Wisbech Citadel; Zimbabwe Centenary.

INDEX OF HYMN SETTINGS: A Gaelic blessing; Amazing Grace!; As the deer; Be still for the presence of the Lord; Blacow; Come, beautiful Christ; Deep and wide; Deep River; Fall Afresh; From earth's confusion; He cares for me; I know thou art mine; I love you, Lord; I need thee; I vow to thee, my country; I will enter his gates; In perfect peace; It is Jesus; Knowing You; Lift up the banner; Lord, with my all I part; Make me a channel of your peace; Martyn; 'Mid all the traffic; Morning Star; Of Whom I sing; People need the Lord; Peter, James and John; Pie Jesu (cornet solo); Praise him with song!; Prayer of childhood (cornet solo); Prayer of thanksgiving; Reverie; Sacrament; Serenity; Share my yoke (cornet solo); Someone cares (cornet solo); Stand up for Jesus!; Standing somewhere in the shadows; Swing Hosanna, The Pearl; The Reason (cornet solo); This is my story (cornet solo); Thy will to see; Whiter than the snow; You know that we love you!