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NJS1902 - Glory For Me - Song Arrangement

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Product Overview

(NJS 1902) Medium/Difficult
Sam Creamer

Glory For Me is based on the tune “The Glory Song”. The title taken from the song’s chorus “Oh that will be glory for me!” Originally written 6/4 it is presented here bright, driving rock setting, with heavy soul and R & B influences.

The introduction is to be legato and flowing with attention paid to where the melody weaves between parts. The change into rock style at bar 7 must be instant – (it may be a suggestion to rehears the introduction last when piecing the music together in order to solidify a good rock tempo). The 6/8 bars are measured with the quavers keeping the same value – not to be interpreted as triplets.
The ¾ section at Bar 47 should equal as if it were crotchet triplets to the previous 4/4 section, with the minim beat now changing to the ¾ down beat. A suggestion for smooth transition and timing into this section may be for the conductor to conduct in two from 43, essentially meaning the conducting beat does not change into 47. The silence after the pause in bar 52 may be dwelled upon and savoured to create suspense before launching back into the rock feel at bar 53. Bar 53 must not rush faster than the original rock tempo. In order to recreate a good soul rock feeling, particular attention must be made to articulations and driven by the Basses and Kit.