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NJS1901 - I Do Believe - Song Arrangement

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(NJS 1901) Medium/Difficult
Jared Proellocks

This treatment of the hymn tune COVENANT is deliberately cloaked in a primitive style of harmony which should conjure up the mood of the American frontier. There are also additional references to rock idioms. Both of these styles require careful attention to articulations, ensuring that accents (>) are treated with plenty of front to the note, but ensuring they are not ‘short’. The tenuto (-) markings in music is more commonly associated with ‘stress’ rather than ‘length’ , and in this piece it is no exception. ‘Lean’ through these notes to give the appropriate weight. This arrangement intentionally references Verses 1, 2, and 3 of the lyrics in the three verses presented. Reading these to the ensemble and presenting these lyrics to congregations / audiences will help paint a clearer picture of the music.

Keep the energy simmering throughout, including the minor passages from bars 46-56. Approach the ‘soft rock’ section at 27 with a bit more delicacy. A big finish to the piece (bar 65-end) will help reinforce the statement of the chorus.

“I do Believe, I will Believe
That Jesus died for me
That on the cross He shed His blood
And now He sets me free!”