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Product Overview

Sing A New Song

The Australia Southern Territory Creative Arts Department is pleased to introduce a new vocal series which we believe will meet the needs of Songster Brigades and Choirs throughout the Army.

Designed with smaller vocal ensembles in mind, yet still suitable for larger groups, this new series features songs by Australian composers in styles which are accessible to contemporary congregations. The series is written primarily for two female and one male part; though cued parts are included in some titles for Bass and other divisi voices when required.

Recorded CD accompaniment tracks are available for each song allowing leaders to rehearse each section of the song and provide for performances by groups who have no or limited musical support.

This is a song for Christmas time which focuses on the manger scene and how we may respond as we look upon the family. The song also cries out for “Peace on earth” just as the Angels announced on the first Christmas night.

There is very little technical difficulty to be found in the music for the vocalists and the accompaniment is similarly easy for the piano; the addition of some acoustic guitar, and/or synthesized strings, and kit will add to the overall sound of the music.

A separate solo instrumental part, which forms part of the accompaniment, is available as a free download from the Creative Arts Department ºs web site under vocal resources.