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NJS1301 - Thine - Song Arrangment

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Colonel Edward Joy wrote All My Days And All My Hours in 1926 when he held the position of editor of the War Cry in Canada West. It was introduced to England the following year and published in The Musical Salvationist in May 1928.

This well-known chorus has long been a favourite of Brian Hogg’s.
I’ve always found an elegant symmetry in the construction of the melody: with its simple, ascending melodic line, climaxing with the words … “not a fragment but the whole” leading gently to … “shall be Thine, dear Lord.” The shape of the melody, and its inherent intensity, matches the words so perfectly.
This simple arrangement (set in four rather than the original three beats per bar) will present few technical problems for the musicians. Tuning and balance in the opening will take a little work as will the similarly harmonised sections of the piece.
