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NJS1503 - Someone Cares - Bb Solo

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Product Overview

The songs of Gowans & Larsson are deeply secured in the fabric of The Salvation Army’s history.

The songs of Gowans & Larsson are deeply secured in the fabric of The Salvation Army’s history. Their work together in writing ten musicals remains quite an achievement by anyone’s measure.

This little ‘Gem’, Someone Cares comes from their first venture together … Take Over Bid.
Do you sometimes feel that no one truly knows you,
And that no one understands or really cares?
Through his people, God himself is close beside you,
And through them he plans to answer all your prayers.

Someone cares, someone cares,
Someone knows your deepest need, your burden shares;
Someone cares, someone cares,
God himself will hear the whisper of your prayers.

Ours is not a distant God, remote, unfeeling,
Who is careless of our loneliness and pain,
Through the ministry of men he gives his healing,
In their dedicated hands brings hope again.
John Gowans (1934 - 2012)
Lindsay’s simple setting of John Larsson’s melody gives ample room for the soloist and band to reflect on the words.

While the second part of the piece requires some agility and flexibility from the soloist, the accompaniment parts will take little rehearsal yet need to be played with regard to the position of the soloist in the aural space.
