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AGS1901 - Our God & King - Prelude

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Don Mayne

The original text for this hymn was written by St Francis of Assisi in 1226 in his poem, based on Psalm 148, the Canticle Of The Sun. When writing this arrangement I had in my mind the triumphant sound that would be the whole universe and all creatures worshipping their creator, Almighty God. This iconic hymn helps to remind me of the majesty that is the resurrection of Jesus. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the ways in which we can praise and worship God, being it lifting our voices and singing, humbly worshiping, living a life that mirrors our Saviour, recognising the grace and redemption of The cross or kneeling at his feet in holiness. This is demonstrated by the contrasted fanfare style majestic passages and the reflective hymn passage. I pray that as you perform this piece that you will be able to worship ourcreator who created you in his image.